Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BEDA (Day 15) - Seriously Frank?

I had a rather unpleasant experience yesterday.  Actually, much of yesterday was unpleasant.  It didn't start out well but it ended fine.

My day actually started at 3 o'clock in the morning.  I got up to pump, wrote my BEDA entry from yesterday, but before I could finish pumping, Mara woke up.  Corky warmed up a bottle and fed her.  Usually she goes right back to sleep but not last night.  So once I finished pumping, I went in there and held her, rocked her, sang to her, shushed her, nursed her, tried (totally unsuccessfully) to get her to go back to sleep.  She was whiny and fussing.  When she grabbed my hand and brought it to her mouth to gum on my fingers, as she often does, I discovered why: teeth.  Uh oh!

At 6 o'clock, Corky came to rescue me because I had to get up.  I was subbing a Zumba class at 8:30am.  At that class, things got a little more unpleasant.

Okay, so I wore a slightly tighter shirt than normal.  But it fit well and covered everything.  However.... after class, a lady walked up to me and said, "You are adorable!  Is that your little baby bump?  When are you due?"


Like... SERIOUSLY??? Don't you know you're not supposed to ask that unless it's REALLY FREAKING OBVIOUS?????? Like how I looked on my due date?  Okay.  You can ask me then.  Now?  No way.

But it didn't stop there.  After conversing with her for a few minutes, another lady stopped me on my way out and said, "So.. I just have to ask.. how far along are you, anyway?"  The first time was irritating.  The second time was just infuriating.  How many times am I going to be kicked in the pants today?  Geez!!

Okay so I'm NOT pregnant, just to set the record straight! I just have diastasis recti (where the abdominal muscles separate and cause the stomach area to stick out a little) really badly!  Mara was a big baby; you know, you saw the pictures!  And she's only 4 1/2 months old, so it's not so ridiculous to think that my body hasn't 100% bounced back from that yet.

There's these Frenchies that I follow on Instagram and Facebook - Manny the Frenchie and Frank the Funny Frenchie.  Frank is my favorite, and he makes the most hilarious faces.  Frank is almost always Not Amused At All.  

I have a sweatshirt with a picture of him making a grumpy face.

That is totally how I felt when the ladies were asking me about being pregnant!  Like... seriously????  Damn.  So here I am, on about 6 hours of sleep in 2 days, after teaching 2 classes yesterday, I have one today, 2 tomorrow and one on Friday.  Oh dear... this could prove to be a very long week!


  1. Wow. That's pants! When will people ever learn to keep their stupid thoughts to themselves.

  2. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry to hear that happened Kate! Some people just need to keep their mouths SHUT!!! All the unsolicited comments are so obnoxious and uncalled for! Sending hugs and love your way! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL Kate, don't ever forget that!
