Monday, April 27, 2015

BEDA (Day 27) - Packing

You would think that since it's only been a little over a year since I moved last that I would've remembered how much I hate moving!  Actually, no, it's not the moving part I hate, it's the packing.  This time, however, we are having a garage sale as well, so for every 2 boxes I pack for us to keep, I pack one for us to sell.  So there's that.  So far I've packed about 7 boxes total, which might not seem like much but it's quite an accomplishment considering I have a clingy 5 month old who doesn't like to let me work on much around the house if I'm not holding her.  And packing boxes one-handed is just... not going to happen. 

Anyway, last night I worked a bunch on packing up the bookshelves.  It would be easy if it was only books on the bookshelves but no... it's books, scrapbooks, photo albums, old journals, yearbooks, keepsakes, candles, picture frames... etc.  Not everything fit nicely into a box so I had to stuff some soft, filler-type things in to keep the contents from flying around in there if the box wasn't totally full.

The hard part is trying to decide what to sell.  Usually the problem is that people want to keep everything and sell nothing.  Not me! I have the opposite problem.  I want to sell everything but then I'm like "Well... no... I should probably keep that because Corky might be irritated if I sell practically everything he ever got me for an anniversary!"  Lol.  It's not that I don't appreciate the things he's gotten me, it's just that I'm not terribly sentimental about things.  Some things I am but most things I'm not.  At any rate, once I remember that it was something he gave me, I put it in the "keep" box.  Most of the time. ;)

The garage sale will be held at my parents' house the first weekend of June.  The reason it will be there is because their house was built in the late 1980s, back when houses actually had space around them and the streets were wider and meant to be parked on.  Our garage, driveway and street are not really conducive to having a garage sale on.  For one thing, we live on a dead end.  For another, the houses are reeeeaaallllyyyy crowded here and for a third thing, there's never anywhere to park because they crammed 33 houses into like a few acres, and the street is always choked with cars parked there.

The only downside to this timing is that we're moving in May.  So that means we're going to have to bring a bunch of boxes with us of stuff for the garage sale and find a place to put it for a few weeks until June.  But that's okay.  We'll be kind of living half-unpacked anyway for a time because that's how it works when you move.  I'm really excited to have this garage sale though because the last time we had one was back in 2009 and I made over $200 on just MY stuff!  An few hundred dollars extra would go a long way around here!

Last weekend when we went to Astoria, we took a trip down to Seaside, Oregon where they have an outlet mall.  I mentioned in my Astoria post that we went to the Nike store because I wanted to get this pair of shoes but didn't because they were $85.00.  I remember thinking to myself, $85... I could buy a lot of groceries for $85.  When we returned home I went grocery shopping at Fred Meyer, picked up the necessities as well as supplies to make dinners for the week.  My cart was pretty full.  At the checkout, the clerk rang me up... $84.57.  See? I told myself.  Lots of groceries for $85.00.  But... the groceries are now gone.  At least the Nikes would have lasted.  But my family is healthy and fed.  That is more important than fashion.

Or so I keep telling myself. :P

Have a great week! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I am the exact opposite than you. I am too sentimental about shit lol. I wouldn't call myself a hoarder, because I am extremely organized and I do get rid of stuff, but it usually takes me 1-2 trips to Arc before I finally decided to get rid of something. Especially things that I have received as gifts. But way to go for not getting the shoes and instead getting groceries, although you're right, the shoes would have lasted longer ;)
